Green Covered Bonds


mBank Group intends to contribute to sustainable development in various areas of its operations, including debt instruments issuance.

Therefore we prepared and published mBank S.A. Group Green Bond Framework, which stipulates our aims and rules for supporting European Union Environmental Objectives and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Our Framework is aligned with Green Bonds Principles, which is confirmed in the Second Party Opinion issued by Sustainalytics.


Green Covered Bonds Framework - summary


mBank Green Bond Framework


Second Party Opinion


Green Bond Methodology


ESG rating - Sustainalytics


ESG rating - Morgan Stanley






Contact for Investors


mBank Hipoteczny S.A. 


Krzysztof Dubejko 

Head of Financial Markets

dial: +48 517 583 676

Wojciech Zdunkiewicz

Head of Treasury

dial: +48 515 163 187